EVOEevee Guide
EVOEevee is a unique Eevee that has gone thru extensive gene manipulation at Silph. Co of the KANTO Region.

EVOEevee can evolve into any of its EEVEELutions via the standard methods for each EEVEElution. What makes EVOEevee unique from the standard Eevee is that once evolved, it can DE-Evolve into its base form via a RAINBOWSTONE.

Getting the Optimal Moves for EVOEevee
Plan out a desired battle move-set for EVOEevee.
Evolve EVOEevee into the required EEVEELution to learn each desired move.
Give a HEARTSCALE (a found item or sold at department stores) to the MOVE TUTOR (located at every Poke Center) to learn the desired move.
DE-Evolve EVOEevee via the RAINBOWSTONE and evolve it again to repeat.

EVOEevee's Mega Form
This is EVOEevee’s MEGA Form that is activated if EVOEevee is holding EEVEEONITE. It will gain the ability “EVOProtean” which will transform it into a specific EEVEELution Type corresponding to the move Type O-MEGA E-V uses. This ability can be used MULTIPLE times during a battle allowing O-MEGA E-V to MEGA Evolve between various EEVEELutions.
*A thing to note about O-MEGA E-V is that its ability will always remain as EVOProtean after transformation. This is what allows it to MEGA Evolve multiple times per battle! However, this also means it will NOT gain the abilities of its EEVEELutions while transformed. Thus, it’s up to the trainer to decide to temporarily evolve EVOEevee into an EVOEEveelution for a battle OR equip it with EEVEEONITE. In any case, EVOEevee will always be able to transform back to its original cute self ! ! !*
***During battle, a transformed O-MEGA E-V can choose to MEGA Evolve to a new form while using an attack or it can remain in its current form. For ex. EVOJolteon can choose to (A) MEGA Evolve into EVOSylveon and use Moonblast OR (B) Just use Moonblast while staying as EVOJolteon. Case (A) gives STAB damage while case (B) makes the attack quicker due to EVOJolteon’s speed. Use this knowledge to strategize !***
EEVEEONITE is obtained AFTER Pokémon VETERAN title. Go to Silph Co. and talk to the scientist who created EVOEevee to get EEVEEonite MEGA Stone. You NEED to have EVOEevee 1st in your party !
*NOTE: If EVOEevee is holding EEVEEONITE, it CANNOT evolve via regular methods*